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I - a photobook by Greig Clifford
GREIG CLIFFORD - I - with leatherette hard cover.

This page shows information about the exclusive leatherette hard cover version of the I photobook. Details on the soft cover version can be found here.

Obviously I wanted a limited availability version of the book to be a significant product, with a production quality to match. I spent some weeks researching various photobook makers... and there are some great companies out there but one name in particular stood out, Saal. It is said a picture speaks a thousand words so I decided to try to show here the kind of details that are only seen under close inspection.

Spine and binding detail.
Spine and binding detail.

The cover is a black leatherette for its timeless feel, and designed in the traditional way so that it can be fully opened without pulling at the pages at all. Unlike some photobooks the spine is not attached to the binding so it is a product that should resist many years of use.

Spine, binding and page texture detail.
Spine, binding and page texture detail.

The pages are a matte photographic paper which has a typical texture pattern that prevents fingerprints from showing, and a slight shine much like that of Ilford Galerie Prestige Smooth Pearl, or Fujicolor Crystal Archive Lustre. The base tone with this paper type is a very natural white. The pages are heavyweight too so will not easily crease.

Page shine and texture detail.
Page shine and texture detail.

The pages are trimmed neatly as a solid block and the leatherette covering is perfectly finished too with beautifully folded corners. Everything one would expect from a premium product. The pages that line the front and back covers are coloured black to match the leatherette, their opposite pages the same.

Paper edge and back cover fold detail.
Paper edge and back cover fold detail.

Images are simply presented with minimal distraction... just a thin border with the title and year created written underneath.

Page print detail.
Page print detail.

The dimensions of this book are 21cm x 21cm. There are 71 images in total.

Page layout detail.
Page layout detail.

This book is available to purchase direct from myself - offers are invited. No more than three of these (plus the original print proof) will be created. If interested, contact details are here.

For a list of images in the book have a look here.

